Friday, March 1, 2013

Koozoo - Social Video Aims To Build A Live Video Network With 24-Hour Footage From Old Phones

Koozoo is a twist of social video. The emphasis here is on utility, rather than performance and entertainment (though it can be entertaining, too). Wouldn’t it be useful to know if the weather is nice at a nearby park (though I suppose that example is best-suited for cities with microclimates like San Francisco’s). Or whether a nearby store or restaurant is super-crowded?

The initial concept revolved around old smartphones – if, say, there’s an old iPhone sitting in your drawer since you bought the iPhone 5, you can set it up as a full-time Koozoo camera. So if you have an interesting view outside your office or home, you can mount the phone on your window (Koozoo provides free mounting devices), plug it in, and connect it to Wi-Fi, then it will constantly stream footage that anyone can see — or rather, it will stream footage as long as someone is watching, so that it doesn’t hog your bandwidth unnecessarily.

You can download the iPhone app here, and sign up on the Koozoo site to be notified about the release of the Android app.

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