Saturday, March 2, 2013

Meldium - Securely Share Access to All Apps Your Company Use

If you’ve been part of a small- or medium-sized business or organization recently, you’ve dealt with “the spreadsheet.” It’s that document that’s tacked up on the wall (or shared via email) where all the group’s important login names and passwords are kept — the team’s Twitter, DropBox, LexisNexis subscription, et cetera.

It’s a mess to maintain in itself, of course, but the real problems come when people leave the team. Right away, an admin must go one by one through shared apps such as Yammer and WordPress and disable access to the group version. As for the spreadsheet? Well, here’s hoping nobody copied the information to take with them (and take the official Twitter account for one last joyride.)

It’s awful, but it’s the status quo. The good news is that a brand new company has created something much, much better.

Meldium tries to solve this problem, it created a way for small- to medium-sized businesses and teams to securely share access to all the apps they use.

Using it is simple: Once an admin has created a Meldium account for a particular group, all that’s required for team members to use it is the download of a browser extension, available in either Chrome or Firefox. From there, Meldium acts as a layer that signs in users to company apps without individuals ever having to actually type in passwords.

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